The Power of Perspective for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Perspectives are the lenses through which we see the world. They shape how we interpret information, solve problems, and make decisions. Perspectives can be distinguished by three factors: (i) the data they observe, (ii) the methods of processing that data, and (iii) the values attributed to the outcomes of that data processing. The Power of Perspective is that taking diverse perspectives exposes assumptions and inconsistencies, enabling better problem-solving. This is especially important for entrepreneurs and innovators who face complex and uncertain challenges in creating new products, services, business models, or strategies. In this blog post, we will explore why and how entrepreneurs and innovators can leverage the power of perspective to achieve success and solve the correct problem.

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The Power of Perspective for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Why Perspective Matters for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Entrepreneurs and innovators are constantly looking for new ways to create value for their customers, stakeholders, and society. The entrepreneurial perspective needs to identify unmet needs, generate novel ideas, test assumptions, iterate solutions, and scale impact. To do this effectively, they need to adopt multiple perspectives that can help them:

  • Understand their customers’ needs, preferences, pain points, and motivations from different angles – ie their perspective.
  • Explore alternative solutions that may not be obvious or conventional from the entrepreneur’s own perspective.
  • Evaluate the feasibility, desirability, and viability of their ideas from different criteria and perspectives.
  • Collaborate with teams having diverse perspectives that can bring different skills, experiences, insights, and opinions to the table.
  • Communicate their value proposition to different audiences that may have different expectations, interests, and concerns. Effective communication requires understanding the audience’s perspective

How to Cultivate Perspective for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Entrepreneurs and innovators can cultivate perspectives by embracing four key mindsets:

  • Leading with passion: Passion is the fuel that drives entrepreneurs and innovators to pursue their vision and overcome obstacles. Passion also helps them connect with their customers’ emotions and empathize with their needs, which requires understanding their customer’s perspectives.
  • Thinking globally: Global thinking is the ability to see beyond one’s own context and consider the broader implications and opportunities of one’s actions. Global thinking also helps entrepreneurs and innovators tap into diverse markets, cultures, trends, and resources. Global thinking requires embracing diverse geographical perspectives.
  • Embracing social responsibility: Social responsibility is the commitment to create a positive social impact through one’s products, services, business models, or strategies. Social responsibility also helps entrepreneurs and innovators align their values with their customers’ values and build trust and loyalty.
  • Banking on connectivity: Connectivity is the use of technology to access information, communicate ideas, collaborate with others, and scale impact. Connectivity also helps entrepreneurs and innovators leverage data-driven insights, feedback loops, network effects, and platforms.

Entrepreneurs and innovators can also utilize perspective-taking skills when applying some practical tools and techniques:

These widely used practical tools and techniques for entrepreneurs and innovators all rely on underlying skills to utilize the Power of Perspective.

  • Design thinking: Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that involves empathizing with users, defining problems, ideating solutions, prototyping concepts, and testing assumptions.
  • Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is the ability to generate many different ideas or solutions for a given problem or challenge e.g. by brainstorming techniques.
  • Convergent thinking: Convergent thinking is the ability to evaluate and select the best idea or solution for a given problem or challenge e.g. using decision-making tools such as SWOT Analysis (Strengths,
    Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), PEST Analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological), or Cost-Benefit Analysis (comparing the pros
    and cons of different options).
  • Perspective-taking: Perspective-taking is the ability to adopt another person’s point of view and understand their thoughts and feelings. Perspective-taking can be practiced by using empathy maps, role-playing, or storytelling ( from another person’s perspective).


Perspective is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and innovators who want to create value for their customers and society. By taking diverse perspectives and exposing assumptions and inconsistencies they can improve their problem-solving skills and generate more innovative solutions. To cultivate perspective they need to develop four key mindsets: leading with passion, thinking globally, embracing social responsibility, and banking on connectivity. They also need to apply some practical tools and techniques such as design thinking divergent thinking convergent thinking and perspective-taking.

If you want to learn more about the power of perspective for entrepreneurs and innovators you can enroll in our online course that will teach you how to apply perspective in your own projects and ventures. To register for the Power of Perspective course please visit our website.