ML Fairness

Ethics in action

Fairness is a moral or ethical concept that involves giving each person what he or she deserves or what is appropriate for the situation. Fairness can be applied to individual actions, interpersonal relations, social institutions, and public policies. Fairness can also be understood as a virtue that guides one’s conduct and character. Law is a legal concept that involves the rules and principles that govern the behavior of individuals and groups within a society.  Law can also be understood as a system of authority and enforcement that regulates social order and justice.

Fairness and law are related but distinct concepts. Fairness can be seen as a moral foundation or justification for law, as well as a criterion or standard for evaluating law. Law can be seen as a formal expression or implementation of fairness, as well as a means or instrument for achieving fairness. However, fairness and law can also diverge or conflict in some cases. Fairness can be subjective or relative, depending on one’s perspective, values, or interests. Law can be objective or absolute, depending on its source, validity, or universality. Fairness can be flexible or adaptable, depending on the context, circumstances, or consequences. Law can be rigid or fixed, depending on its form, content, or application.

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ML Fairness

Fairness as an ethical concept and fairness as a legal concept are not identical or interchangeable. They can complement or support each other, but they can also differ or oppose each other. A fair law is one that is consistent with the ethical principles and values of fairness. A fair action is one that is in accordance with the legal rules and norms of fairness. But a law may not be fair if it violates the ethical rights or interests of some people. And an action may not be fair if it disregards the legal duties or obligations of others.

Machine Learning (ML) technology is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions. However, ML can also produce unethical results, unfair or biased outcomes that discriminate against certain groups or individuals based on their characteristics, such as race, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Here are some of the issues with fairness resulting from the adoption of ML technology:

Are you a technical, business or legal professional who works with technology adoption? Do you want to learn how to apply ethical frameworks and principles to your technology work and decision-making, understand the legal implications and challenges of new technologies and old laws, and navigate the complex and dynamic environment of technology innovation and regulation? If so, you need to check out this new book: Ethics, Law and Technology: Navigating Technology Adoption Challenges. This book is a practical guide for professionals who want to learn from the experts and stay updated in this fast-changing and exciting field.